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Employment & Economy

(scroll down to issue 2 in the Issues Report)


The aim of this Issues Report is to bring together the information gathered over the past two years of consultation and engagement, and to examine what it says about the aspirations of the people of Melksham for the future of their town and its surroundings. Information and views have been sought by means of a range of community events which have taken place throughout Melksham and Melksham Without. The table below shows where and how the community have been involved in the early stages of developing a Neighbourhood Plan. 

As a result, it is hoped that people from all parts of the Parish and Town have been made aware of the Neighbourhood Plan and have been given the opportunity to make their voice heard in the process. 


Issues Report February 2018


Other documents of note:


Melksham Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group


Melksham Without Parish Council
Sports Pavilion
Westinghouse Way

SN12 6TL

01225 705700


Copyright (c) Melksham Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group 2020

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