Finding sites for health community and leisure facilities in the Melksham area.
Wednesday 6th April has been chosen as the date for interested individuals to join us to discuss sites for future provision of care, community, health and leisure services in the Melksham area.
Eight sites around the Melksham area have now been suggested as potentially suitable where care, community, health and leisure facilities and services could be provided. A Briefing Report is being prepared to help inform our discussion.
Planning development is not just about new housing estates. Our task is to look to the future to ensure that the needs of local people for business, care, community, education, employment, health, leisure, recreation and transport are all met as the area develops over the next ten years.
The meeting is being organised by Melksham Neighbourhood Plan’s Health and Wellbeing Task Group. The desired outcome is to inform preparation of the Melksham Neighbourhood Plan, and identify preferred sites in the town and its surrounding villages for future development of new housing and sustainable support facilities and services.
The meeting will be held in the offices of Melksham Without Parish Council in the Market Square. It will start at 6.00pm and is expected to last about two hours.
An additional meeting will be arranged on Wednesday 20th April if too many people want to come. We look forward to
The meeting is open to the public. To tell us that you want to attend – CLICK here.