Want to get involved?
The Review of the adopted Melksham Neighbourhood Plan will start this September, with the following topics to be included in the new version (NHP#2):
Local Green Space
Housing/Site Allocations
Implications of the Bypass
Town Centre Master Plan
Environmental Issues
Implications of the Melksham Canal Link
If you represent a local organisation and would like to be considered as a member of the Steering Group please get in touch, there will also be the opportunity for small topic lead group work on specific localities or subjects.
You can read more here in the Terms of Reference https://www.melkshamneighbourhoodplan.org/single-post/terms-of-reference-updated-march-2021, or do get in touch with either the Melksham Without Parish Council Clerk clerk@melkshamwithout.co.uk or the Melksham Town Clerk linda.roberts@melksham-tc.gov.uk